
The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP)

The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP), a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Library of Congress (LC), is a long-term effort to provide permanent access to a national digital resource of newspaper bibliographic information and historic newspapers, selected and digitized by NEH-funded institutions (awardees) from all U.S. states and territories. This program builds on the legacy of the strategically successful United States Newspaper Program (USNP, 1982-2009), a project sponsored by the NEH with technical support from LC which organized the inventory, cataloging, and selective preservation on microfilm of a corpus of at-risk newspaper materials. The NDNP extends the usefulness of the USNP bibliographic and microfilm assets by increasing access to this valuable information and provides an opportunity for institutions to select and contribute digitized newspaper content, published between 1836 and 1922, to a freely accessible, national newspaper resource.

In 2003, LC and NEH established a formal agreement that identified goals for the program, institutional responsibilities, and overall support. In 2004, the NEH announced guidelines for annual cycles of two-year NDNP awards to enhance the study of American history. These awards enable cultural heritage institutions to join the NDNP for the purpose of selecting, digitizing, and delivering to the LC approximately 100,000 newspaper pages per award.  Since 2005, the NEH has awarded grants to state libraries, historical societies, and universities representing states in the national program.  These awards are projected to generate more than 5.6 million newspaper pages to be deposited at the Library by 2013, with many more states and territories to be included in the coming years. Over 4 million of these pages are already available through the Chronicling America website.

Deliverables: Up-to-date MARC record from the CONSER database, Additional title-level metadata related to the title run/s digitized & delivered, Newspaper history essay – scope & content (in English) of each title, history & significance (500 words), Page image in two raster formats (uncompressed TIFF 6.0, compressed JPEG2000), OCR text & associated bounding boxes for words, 1 file per page image, PDF Image with hidden text, Structural metadata to relate pages to title, date, and edition, to sequence pages within issue or section, Technical metadata to support the functions of a trusted repository, A second-generation (2N) duplicate silver negative microfilm, Technical metadata concerning the quality characteristics of the film used for digitization.